Control Panel

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How to Install Let’s Encrypt Plugin on cPanel | Fleet SSL Setup

Current Command not working. It will update within two days. Please wait for new update.In this guide, I’ll walk you through the transformation that happens after installing the Let’s Encrypt plugin. With a simple installation process, your site will be equipped with robust security and a sleek new look. Just imagine this: after the plugin is installed, your interface will resemble the one in the picture below, complete with all the essential features and enhancements to keep your website secure. Let’s dive in and see how this plugin can make a difference! Install the plugin: To get started with Let’s Encrypt, the first step is to install Fleet SSL. While Fleet SSL has stopped its services, don’t worry—there’s an alternative solution that allows you to set up Fleet SSL seamlessly and at no cost. A company called “i Data Host” provides free!! and a simple way to install Fleet SSL. Visit their website [here]( to get started. Once on the site, place an order for Fleet SSL. This step is crucial because, upon ordering, you’ll receive specific details that you need to run on the WHM (Web Host Manager) terminal. After you’ve received the details from “i Data Host,” follow these steps to install Fleet SSL: 1. Open your WHM terminal: This is where you’ll enter the command you received from “i Data Host.” 2. Run the command: Copy and paste the command from “i Data Host” into your WHM terminal. This will initiate the installation of Fleet SSL. 3. Wait for the installation to complete: This process may take a few minutes. Once done, you should see confirmation that Fleet SSL is successfully installed. After completing these steps, your WHM/cPanel interface will reflect the installation. It will look just like the example in the earlier picture, with all the necessary features and tools to manage your SSL certificates. Now that Fleet SSL is installed, you can easily set up Let’s Encrypt and ensure that your website is secure with HTTPS encryption. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a secure site!  Instructions for: CentOS, RHEL, AlmaLinux and other EL derivatives: Instructions for: Ubuntu 20.04: Post-Installation If there are no problems, you should be able to run a successful self-test immediately afterwards: Testing the installation Now that the installation is complete, you should be able to login to any cPanel server on that server, and see the “Let’s Encrypt™ SSL” icon on the home screen. You should be able to immediately issue certificates, provided that the domain actually points to the server. Watch the video for better understanding:

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Resolving “Retry Time Not Reached for Any Host domain.tld”

Intro: If you’ve ever encountered the error message “retry time not reached for any host for ‘domain.tld’” while incoming email facing this problem, you’re not alone. This issue can be frustrating, but it’s essential to understand that it’s usually a temporary problem with your email server’s configuration. In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps to diagnose and resolve this issue using command-line instructions. The Error Message The error message typically looks like this: This message indicates that there’s an issue with the routing of your emails, and Exim is not able to deliver the email to the intended recipient. To fix this, follow the steps below: Step 1: Identify the Issue Start by identifying the issue with the email routing. You can use the following command to check how Exim is attempting to deliver the email: This command will provide information about the routing configuration for the specified email address. Step 2: Check manualmx Configuration In many cases, the error is related to the manualmx router configuration. Exim uses this configuration to determine how to route emails. To check if manualmx is causing the problem, use the following commands: This command will show you the manualmx configuration for the problematic domain: Step 3: Remove the Manualmx Configuration If you’ve identified that the manualmx configuration is causing the issue, it’s time to remove it. Use your preferred text editor to open the manualmx configuration file: Find the line that specifies the configuration for the problematic domain, in this case, “domain.tld: host.domain.tld,” and delete it. Save the file. Step 4: Restart Exim After removing the manualmx configuration, restart the Exim service to apply the changes: Step 5: Test Email Delivery Finally, it’s crucial to test email delivery to ensure that it’s now directed to the correct destination. Send a test email to the problematic domain or address to confirm that the issue has been resolved. Conclusion The “retry time not reached for any host” error in Exim can be challenging, but by following these simple command-line steps, you can quickly diagnose and fix the issue. Remember to proceed with caution when making changes to your Exim configuration, and always back up your configuration files before making any modifications. With these steps, you can ensure that your emails are delivered smoothly to their intended recipients.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Configure Laravel Supervisor on Linux with Redis Server

This tutorial shows you how do you Configure Laravel Supervisor on Linux with Redis Server. You can use any control panel Ex: WHM/cPanel, DirectAdmin, Plesk, etc. Laravel Supervisor is a process control system that allows you to monitor and control processes on your Linux server. It is especially useful for managing long-running processes, such as queue workers or socket servers. By using Supervisor, you can ensure that your processes are always running, even if they crash or the server is restarted. It’s easy to install Laravel Supervisor on Linux. To install Supervisor in Linux with Redis server, you can follow these steps: Install Supervisor by running the following command: CentOS: Ubuntu: Install Redis server by running the following command: CentOS: Ubuntu: Start Redis server by running the following command: Create a Supervisor configuration file for your worker by running the following command: In this file, you can define your worker process and its configuration. The configuratin file should be ini file. You can create multiple worker ini file and define them in different name. Ex: worker1.ini, worker2.ini. Here’s an example configuration for a Laravel queue worker: path: /path/to/ replace this part by your actual project path. Where you keep your artisan and worker.log file. Ex. for cPanel: go to your domain public html foler where you keep artisan file. Your left side you can see the path. such as if your domain name is and hosting username is abccom in that case the link could be /home/abccom/public_html/DirectAdmin and others control panel also similar and for linux project it could be /var/www/htmlAnother easy way to find your path is, just go to your artisan file folder and use PWD command to get path. user: You have to use your hosting account username here. Ex: If Domain name and the hosting account username is abccom. You have to use abccom username in user section. This configuration will start 8 worker processes that will run the Laravel queue:work command with Redis as the queue driver. Each worker will sleep for 3 seconds between jobs and will retry failed jobs up to 3 times. The worker logs will be saved to /path/to/worker.log. Reload the Supervisor configuration by running the following command: This will read the updated configuration file and add the new worker process to Supervisor. Update Supervisor to start the new worker process by running the following command: This will update Supervisor to start the new worker process defined in your configuration file. Start the worker process by running the following command: This will start all the processes defined in the worker1.ini configuration file. Check the status of the worker processes by running the following command: This will show you the status of all the Supervisor-managed processes, including your worker processes. In summary, Laravel Supervisor is a powerful tool for managing long-running processes on your server. By configuring it correctly, you can ensure that your processes are always running and performing optimally. YouTube channel:

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The Ultimate Guide to Spam Prevention on Your Email Server

Preventing spam is a crucial step in safeguarding your email servers from unwanted messages that clog up your inbox and create security risks. Whether you’re running a cPanel or Plesk server or managing your own email server, implementing effective spam prevention measures can save you time, improve productivity, and enhance your security posture. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best practices for preventing spam on your cPanel, Plesk, DirectAdminor email server, and provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to take action and protect your email accounts. Here are some steps you can take for spam prevention on your Email server: By implementing these measures, you can significantly reduce the amount of spam on your Email server. When enabling certain features, you may encounter issues with email delivery or email receive, such as messages being blocked due to blacklisted IP addresses. It is important to be aware of these potential problems and take steps to mitigate them to ensure that your email communication runs smoothly. While enabling graylisting can be an effective way to prevent spam, there are some potential issues to be aware of: To minimize these issues, it’s important to configure your graylisting settings appropriately, and to monitor your email logs to identify any issues or false positives. You can also use other anti-spam measures in conjunction with graylisting to provide a more robust anti-spam solution. While enabling RBL (Real-Time Blacklist) filtering can be an effective way to prevent spam, there are some potential issues to be aware of: To minimize these issues, it’s important to use a reputable and up-to-date RBL service, and to configure your RBL settings appropriately. You can also use other anti-spam measures in conjunction with RBL filtering to provide a more robust anti-spam solution. Enabling Email Rate Limiting can help prevent spam and reduce the load on your server, but there are some potential issues to be aware of: To minimize these issues, it’s important to configure your Email Rate Limiting settings appropriately based on the typical email traffic on your server. It’s also a good practice to monitor your email logs to identify any issues or false positives. By doing so, you can help prevent spam and maintain reliable email delivery for your users. Summary In summary, enabling anti-spam measures such as RBL filtering, graylisting, and Email Rate Limiting can help spam prevention on your Email server, but there are potential issues associated with each of these measures. It’s important to configure your settings appropriately based on your specific needs and to monitor your email logs to identify any issues or false positives. By taking a multi-layered approach to anti-spam measures and adjusting your settings as needed, you can provide a more robust anti-spam solution and maintain reliable email delivery for your users. YouTube channel:

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How to Install Memcached on cPanel Linux server

follow these steps to install Memcached on cPanel or Linux-based cPanel server # yum install memcached -y # chkconfig memcached on If you need to edit the memcache settings: # vi /etc/sysconfig/memcached If needed, restart the memcache service (as root/sudo): # service memcached restart Memcached installed successfully. You can check the service status using following command: # ps afux | grep memc Check in CLI/SSH Memcached  Service # memcached-tool display # memcached-tool stats # telnet 11211 YouTube channel for more tutorial:

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How to Disabled NetworkManager on CentOS7

Follow these steps to disabled networkmanager on centos 7. lets start.. # nmcli device status # systemctl stop NetworkManager # systemctl disable NetworkManager # systemctl list-unit-files | grep NetworkManager NM_CONTROLLED=”no” nameserver [server 1]nameserver [server 2] # systemctl enable network # systemctl restart network Check the Network Status again. # nmcli device status Watch the video tutorial for better understanding. YouTube channel:

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How to Disable SELinux

Following this article you can disable SELinux in your Linux Server. Edit the /etc/selinux/config file to set the SELINUX parameter to disabled, after that reboot the server. Change the parameter enable to disabled SELINUX=disabled Press Ctrl+X and enter (if you use nano editor). now use restart command just type # reboot YouTube channel: You can watch the video for better understanding.

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How to Setup SSH Key on CentOS 7

Secure Shell (SSH) is an encrypted key used by Linux users to connect to remote servers. Normally, two ways users can access to their servers – password based authentication or public key based authentication. Public key based authentication is highly recommended, as a safer alternative to passwords authentication. Here I will show you the steps how to generate and setup SSH key on CentOS 7. I also show you how to connect remote server using ssh key and How to disable password authentication. If the remote server already has SSH, the command shows you which version is running. Currently, my version is OpenSSH_7.4p1. We will create SSH Key on local machine. Here I will show how to create SSH key on Windows machine and how to create SSH key on Linux machine. Creating SSH key on Windows machine (Windows based user) I am using putty key generator for creating ssh key. (You can download puttygen from this link: Open the software Putty key generator and click Generate button. Move your cursor continually from various angle till you get the key. Once you get the key, go to Key passphrase and give some number. (Here I use 123456). Now click Save public key and again save private key on your local directory. Done! Creating SSH key on CentOS (Linux based user) Step 1: Generate SSH Key 1. I going to create 2048-bit RSA key pair using the command: If you want to tighten up more security, you can create a 4096-bit key by adding the -b 4096 flag: 2. After previous command, you should see something like that: 3. Save the file in suggested directory, press Enter. Otherwise, you can specify another location. 4. Next, use some number for passphrase: (Creating a passphrase isn’t mandatory, but it is highly advisable.) 5. Finally, the output ends by providing the following information: Now, you need to add public key to the remote CentOS server. Step 2: Copy Public Key to CentOS Server You can copy the public SSH key on the remote server using several different methods: The easiest and fastest method is ssh-copy-id. If the option is available, I recommend you to use it. Otherwise, try other method. Copy Public Key Using ssh-copy-id 1. Use following command, specifying the SSH user account, and the IP address of the remote server: If it is the first time you accessing that remote server from your local machine you will receive the following output: 2. Confirm the connection – type yes and press Enter. 3. Once the key creates on the local machine, it will ask you to provide the password for the remote account. Type in the password and press Enter. 4. Once the connection has been established, the public key adds on the remote server. This is done by copying the ~/.ssh/ file to the remote server’s ~/.ssh directory. You can locate it under the name authorized_keys. 5. Finally, the output tells you the number of keys added, and give you instructions on what to do next: Copy Public Key Using Secure Copy 1. First, setup an SSH connection with the remote user: 2. Next, create the ~/.ssh directory as well as the authorized_keys file: 3. Use chmod command to change the file permission: chmod 700 makes the file executable, while chmod 600 allows the user to read and write the file. 4. Now, open a new terminal session, on the local machine. 5. Copy the content from (the SSH public key) to the previously created authorized_keys file on the remote server by typing the command: This way, the public key has been safely stored on the remote account. Copy Public Key Manually  1. This way you can manually add the public SSH key to the remote server, first need displays the key data from the ~/.ssh/ file: 2. As the following image, the key starts with ssh-rsa and ends with the username of the local computer and hostname of the remote server: 3. Copy the content of the file. 4. Now, connect to the remote server where you wish to copy the public key. Use the following command to connect with the remote server: 5. Create a ~/.ssh directory and authorized_keys file on the remote CentOS server by following command: 6. Change the file permission: 7. Next, open the authorized_keys file with an editor. Here I open it with Nano command, type: 8. Paste the public key, you copied in step 2, in a new line in (under the existing content). 9. Save the file (for nano Ctrl+X, Y and press enter to save and close the file). 10. Finally, login to remote server to verify that everything is setup perfectly. Step 3: Using SSH Keys connect to Remote Server Once you have finished the previous steps (creating an RSA Key Pair and copying the Public Key to the CentOS remote server), now you will be able to connect to the remote server without typing the password for the remote account. All you need to do by following command: If you didn’t specify a passphrase while creating the SSH key pair, you will automatically log in the remote server. Otherwise, type in the passphrase you supplied in the initial steps and press Enter. Once it confirms the key automatically, it will open a new session for direct communicate with the remote server. Step 4: How to Disable Password Authentication It is important to Disable Password Authentication for remote Linux server, it still has a password authentication system running on the remote server. Password Authentication may increase the risk of brute force attack. Password authentication should disable by following steps: [Note: I prefer you to follow these steps through a non-root user account with sudo privileges, as an additional safety.] 1. Using the SSH key, log into the remote CentOS server which has administrative privileges: 2. Next, open the SSH daemon configuration file using a text editor of your choice: 3. Look for the following line in the file: 4. Copy the line and give # in front of (#PasswordAuthentication yes) paste the line bellow the line and change the yes value to no: 5. Save the ssh file and exit the text editor. 6. To enable the changes, restart the sshd service using the command: 7. Verify the SSH connection to the server is still functioning correctly.

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How to create DKIM record on cPanel/WHM

Adding DKIM record on cPanel​ A Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM) record is a TXT record that adds digital cryptographic signatures to email messages. DKIM ensures that the email comes from a reliable source and is not spoofing in transit between sending and receiving.  Following this article, you can easily enable DKIM on WHM or cPanel by going to Email Deliverability, located in the Email section: Click on the Manage from right side for the domain you want to enable the DKIM record. If you want to create default DKIM value, click on Generate Local DKIM Key.  Scroll Down and click on Install The Suggested Record. Wait for sometimes to get successfull message. The steps complete here. Follow next steps, If you getting error. Copy both records, If your DNS zone manage by 3rd Party, and store both records in notepad. And add those value to your 3rd party DNS Zone as TXT record. click Zone Editor for cPanel. If you want to create record from WHM panel, click DNS Zone Manager. cPanel WHM In this step cPanel and WHM both are same procedure. Click on Manage. cPanel WHM Click on Add Record. Here you add DKIM record as TXT. First you click on Type and select TXT value. Here you paste those copied records. Name and Record. Now you click Save Record.  DKIM record created successfully.

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